Staff Detail

PD Dr. Cyrill Stachniss

Principal Investigator

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Georges-Koehler-Allee 079, R. 1006
79110 Freiburg, Germany

+49 (0)761 203-8024


About me

Cyrill Stachniss is a lecturer at the University of Freiburg in Germany. He finished his habilitation in November 2009 working as an academic advisor at the University of Freiburg and being a guest lecturer at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. Before that, he was a senior researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in the Autonomous Systems Lab of Roland Siegwart. In April 2006, he finished his PhD thesis entitled "Exploration and Mapping with Mobile Robots", supervised by Wolfram Burgard, at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Freiburg. Before being a PhD student, he studied physics and computer science at the University of Marburg and Freiburg. From 2008-2013, he was an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics, since 2010 a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow, and received the IEEE RAS Early Career Award in 2013.


In his research, Cyrill Stachniss focuses on probabilistic techniques in the context of mobile robotics, perception, and navigation problems. A central area of his research is autonomous exploration in combination with solutions to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem. He is also interested in classification and learning approaches, in computer controlled cars, and in computer vision. Cyrill Stachniss is actively participating in several European research projects in the context of urban navigation, mobile manipulation, factories of the future, and digital access to cultural heritage. He is currently coordinating the project ROVINA which develops robots for the exploration, digital preservation, and visualization of archeological sites.

Research Projects

 * Principal investigator of the SFB/TR-8 A3-[MultiBot],
 * Coordinator and principal investigator of the EU project ROVINA--Mobile Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeo- logical Sites Principal investigator of the EU project TAPAS-- Robotics-enabled Logistics and Assistive Services for the Transformable Factory of the Future
 * Scientific project manager and principal investigator of the EU project First-MM -- Flexible Skill Acquisition and Intuitive Robot Tasking for Mobile Manipulation in the Real World
 * Scientific project manager and principal investigator of the EU project EUROPA -- European Robotic Pedestrian Assistant.
 * Principal investigator in the EU project RAWSEEDS -- Robotics Advancements through Web-publishing of Sensorial and Extensive Data Sets


    • IEEE RAS Early Career Award (2013).
    • Robotics: Science and Systems Early Career Spotlight (2012).
    • Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow (2010).
    • 7th EURON Georges Giralt Award for the best robotics thesis in Europe in 2006 (received in 2008).
    • Wolfgang-Gentner PhD Award (2006) for my PhD thesis Exploration and Mapping with Mobile Robots .
    • ICRA 2005 -- Finalist best student paper (2005) for the paper Supervised Learning of Places from Range Data using AdaBoost.
    • ICASE-IROS 2004 best paper award on application (2005) for the paper Grid-based FastSLAM and Exploration with Active Loop Closing.
    • Award of the German Engeneering Society, VDI (2003) for my master's thesis Zielgerichtete Kollisionsvermeidung fuer mobile Roboter in dynamischen Umgebungen.


Program Chair of Spatial Cognition 2012
Organizer of the ICRA Workshop on Visual Mapping and Navigation in Outdoor Environments 2009

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