Staff Detail

Dr. Holger Schultheis

Principal Investigator

Universität Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
28359 Bremen

+49 (0)421 218-64292


About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Cognitive Systems group and a principal investigator of the project R1-[ImageSpace] "Mental representations of spatial environments" in the Spatial Cognition Research Center SFB/TR 8. Combining methods and insights from computer science and cognitive psychology my research focuses on establishing a deeper understanding of various cognitive abilities in mechanistic terms.


* Spatial cognition
* Computational models of human cognition and behavior
* Model evaluation and comparison
* Human-computer interaction
* Cognitive (neuro)psychology
* Pattern recognition
* Embodiement

Research Projects

* DFG SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition: Project R1-[ImageSpace] - Mental Representations of Spatial Environments
* DFG SFB 378 Resource-Adaptive Cognitive Processes: Project READY - Resource-Adaptive Dialog.


12/2011 – 11/2014
Associate Junior Fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Hanse Institute for Advanced Study)

Best student paper award at the Adaptive Hypermedia 2004 (Eindhoven,
The Netherlands).

07/2001 - 03/2004
Scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation).


2011, May 21
Symposium “Spatial Representations: From Body Space to Spatial Language” at the European Cognitive Science Conference (EuroCogSci'11) in Sofia, Bulgaria

2008, September 15
Workshop  “Cognitive Models of Human Spatial Reasoning“ at the Spatial Cognition 2008 (SC'08) conference in Freiburg, Germany.

2008, September 30
Symposium „Raumkognition in künstlichen Systemen“ (Spatial Cognition in Artificial Systems) at the 9th Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society 2008 (KogWis'08) in Dresden, Germany.

2007, March 26 - 28
AAAI Spring Symposium on Control Mechanisms for Spatial Knowledge Processing in Cognitive / Intelligent Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

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