Staff Detail

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Strube

Principal Investigator

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Friedrichstr. 50, Geb. IIG, R. 3013
79098 Freiburg

+49 (0)761 203-4934


About me

b. 1948, Mag. theol. 1973 (LMU München), Dipl.-Psych. 1974 (LMU)
Dr. phil 1977 (LMU), Habilitation 1983 (LMU)
1977-1982 Assistant professor, LMU
1982-1987 Researcher, Max Planck Institute of Psychological Research, Munich
1987-1991 Full Professor of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum
1991-2013 Full Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg, co-director of the IIG (Institute of Informatics and Society)
1996 Offer from Zurich University (declined)


Human information processing, esp. learning and memory, knowledge and expertise, reasoning, and natural language processing
Applied cognitive science, spatial cognition (esp. wayfinding)

Research Projects

Computational psycholinguistics (DFG, 1991-1998)
Case-based reasoning and expert systems (BMBF, 1993-1997)
Spatial cognition (DFG, SPP: 1997-2002, SFB: since 2002)
3 DFG Graduate Schools (1991-2001, VGK: 2001-2005, Frequency effects in language: since 2011)
Several minor DFG projects

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