Staff Detail

Dr. Marco Ragni

Principal Investigator

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Friedrichstr. 50, R. 03013
79098 Freiburg

+49 (0)761 203-4945


About me

Marco Ragni has an interdisciplinary background in mathematics, computer science, and cognitive science (Diploma in Mathematics and PhD in Computer Science) and is working at the Center for Cognitive Science of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. His main research focuses on understanding the characteristics of human mental representation and reasoning about space and time and his methodic spectrum includes complexity analysis, computational and cognitive modeling, behavioral and fMRI research. The core of his research centers on the development of a unified theory of cognitive complexity in spatial reasoning.


Computational modeling, fMRI research on spatial reasoning, cognitive modelling, mental models, complexity theory, logic

Research Projects

o    SPP 1516 Nonmonotonic Reasoning (2012-2014)
o    CSPACE (R8), SFB/TR8 "Raumkognition" (2009-2014)
o    WoMap SFB/TR8 "Raumkognition"

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